What time does the hotel check out?Usually, check-out is at 12 noon. If the room is not tight, you can extend check-out for free. If the delay is too long, you may be charged. The specific situation shall be subject to the response from the front desk. The front desk phone number is 0731-83688888 How much deposit does Yintian Hotel require?Hello, usually the first night's room fee is collected as a deposit, which will be refunded to you after check-out settlement. What time can I check into the hotel after booking?Normally, check-in starts at 2pm. If you arrive early, you need to check if there is a room available. If there is a room available, you can usually check in early and it is free of charge. What star rating is Yintian Hotel?The Yintian Hotel is a nationally certified and listed Five-star hotel Where is the hotel located?This hotel is located at No.1 Jiangjun Road, Liuyang City, Changsha, Hunan Province . The beautiful Liuyang River